Saturday, December 28, 2019

Counsellors are ‘Born’ not ‘Made’ Essay - 1682 Words

Introduction: The title of this essay is Counsellors are ‘Born’ not ‘Made’. The purpose of this assignment is to discuss, and attempt to inform the reader of what makes a good Counsellor, or Therapist’s as they are often referred to. Both sides of the debate will be analyzed, ultimately leading to some conclusion. Are they born? Or are they made? Or is it the possibility that both heredity factors, in addition to their education and life experiences, are required for the skills which counsellors acquire? Recently there has been a great expansion in delivery and diversity that prevails among counsellors in the present era. Examples such as marriage, bereavement, financial, sport, life coaches, addiction career counsellors are but a†¦show more content†¦So someone may declare that the phrase ‘it’s good to talk’ had its origins in ancient Greece. Jim Haggerty also describes that with the fall of the Roman Empire in the middle ages mental illness once again was blamed on the possession of the supernatural, and the use of torture was often used to obtain confessions from ‘possessed individuals’. The first person to use Psychotherapy, which is also called talk therapy, therapy, or counselling, was a physician called Paracelsus (1493-1541). In 1853 an English psychiatrist called Walter Cooper Dendy first introduced the term â€Å"psycho-therapeia†. According to the Counselling Directory Counselling and Psychotherapy theories were being developed during the early to mid 20th century. The now more famous and recognized of these was a neurologist named Sigmund Freud. His study of the human mind began in 1881. Freud named his method psychoanalysis and continued his practice until the 1930s. He is regarded today as the ‘Father’ of psychoanalysis, even though the term â€Å"psycho-therapeia† was coined in 1853. According to the same source the field of Counselling quickly expanded during the 1940s and 1950s. There are now regarded to be three general types of psychological therapies; behaviouralShow MoreRelatedCounsellors are ‘Born’ not ‘Made’ Essay768 Words   |  4 Pagesclient not feeling judged and therefore more likely to risk participation. The above represents only a small cohort of people and their theories. Many more are responsible for the successful practice of Psychology we posses today. But were those born or made? Enter the age of the ‘Supershrink’. In an article describing this term compiled by Scott Miller, Mark Hubble, and Barry Duncan that appeared in TheropyToday.Net, they set out to answer this question. This article describes that in 1974 DavidRead Moremiss1688 Words   |  7 Pageseither the individual or a professional refers you to a specialist. E.g. Physiotherapist or counsellor. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Medical Records And The Military Records - 875 Words

him stretch his legs for about half an hour he was loaded into the vehicle for the drive back to Fort Bragg. Scott went to the attending Soldier and asked what more needed to be done. The Soldier handed him Baks medical records and a plaque presented to him by the unit, said â€Å"He’s yours,† and that was it. No paper work to sign, no hand receipt; just a dog, a crate, a muzzle, and some medical records. Not even a list of commands Bak could follow. As was stated before, MWDs are equipment by military standards and the army will do the absolute minimum to insure they can continue to work. Over the next three months the family spent almost five thousand dollars to determine what the extent of Baks service injuries were, what allergies he suffered from, and what type of food he could eat. The tail issue turned out to be in his medical records. He had suffered from what is called happy tail. MWDs unlike the K9 police dogs used by civilians do not go home with the handler at the end of shift. They live in an 8 foot by 10 foot concrete kennel when not on duty. Happy tail is the result of continued slamming of the tail against the walls while wagging that result in open sores that do not heal. In Baks case it was so severe that the Veterinarian decided to just remove the tail. Unfortunately for Bak the Veterinarian removed the tail to close to the hips resulting in him having a difficult time completely expressing his feces. By the time all that was sorted out Bak was aShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Patient Care At Madigan Army Medical Center Essay1045 Words   |  5 PagesPaper On October 22, 2016 I interviewed Major Alicia Robinson, nursing informaticist at Madigan Army Medical Center (MAMC), a 220 bed military hospital located on Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA, approximately 45 minutes south of Seattle. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Con Man free essay sample

This is covered under clause 29, which covers the Revision of date of completion of the project. Under clause 29 the JBCC lists events where the contractor is entitled to a revision of date practical completion but is not due compensation and those that the contractor is due compensation, in the case of the JBCC, the value of the contract or project will not change as a result of the listed event. All though this is the case, some of the events listed under clause 29. 1 are covered in section 6, but have different consequences. One such issue is how the different contracts deal with adverse weather effects on works during construction period. While the NEC contract states the effects of weather on the works as a compensation event under clause 60. 1. 13, where a weather measurement is recorded during a calendar month, before the completion date for the whole of works and at the place stated in the contract data, the weather event must occur less frequently than once in ten years to be a compensation event. We will write a custom essay sample on Con Man or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This could mean that should this occur the contractor is due compensation for any costs incurred and a revision of completion time. While the JBCC deals with weather in a different way. In clause 29. states the circumstances where the contractor is entitled to a revision of the completion date but where the principal agent shall not adjust the contract value, are the delays to practical completion caused by various events. One such event, stated in clause 29. 1. 1 is the adverse effects of weather conditions. This implies that the contractor can not claim for adjustment to contract value due to adverse weather conditions like in the NEC contract. This is one less compensation event that will need to be budgeted for under the JBCC agreement. Another difference in this is under clause 60. 9 of the NEC contract which covers events neither party could account for or prevent which stops the contractor continuing works and is not one of the stated compensation events. While this is covere d in the JBCC under clause 29. 1. 4 as an event that neither party could prevent also, it only allows the contractor a revision of date of completion without a revaluation of the project. The JBCC recognizes some events as requiring compensation and others not, while the NEC all the events are seen as compensation events which will require the employer to pay the contractor more money. In regards to the communication of such events occurring the NEC gives the contractor considerably more time to notify the Project Manager of the possibility of the compensation event occurring. This is stated under clause 61. 3 which gives the contractor a maximum of eight weeks to notify the Project Manager of the event, failing to do so will mean that the contractor will not be entitled to change prices or the completion date. This is only if the Project Manager failed to notify the contractor of the event, if it was the responsibility of the Project Manager to do so. While in the JBCC also allows for a time period, which gives the contractor more time to claim compensation if any of the events occur that are listed in clause 29. 1 to 29. 3. Under clause 29. 4. 1-3, the contract states that the contractor must notify the principal agent within 20 days of becoming aware of the event and must take all steps to try and avoid it. There is also a 40 day period after which the event has occurred, within which the contractor must alert the principal agent of it occurring or lose out on being able to claim for compensation. This is stated under clause 29. 5 of the contract. In both contracts these claims are submitted to the project manager, in the NEC and to the principal agent in the JBCC. These claims are investigated by the employer’s agents, clause 61. 4 in the NEC, states that the project manager must decide whether the event occurred as a result of actions taken by the contractor, or has not happened or is not expected to happen, has no effect upon the defined cost or completion date and is not one of the listed compensation events, the project manager may decide that the contractor has no grounds for his claim and deny the contractor compensation. If the project manger does decide that there are grounds for the claim he notifies the contractor to submit a quotations for the claim. Should the project manager fail to reply the contractor within a week or a longer time period that is agreed upon by both parties, then the claim is viewed to have been accepted by the project manager. The contractor is the free to submit quotations for the claim. While in the JBCC the process is similar, and is covered under clause 29. which gives the principal agent 15 working days of receiving the claim to grant or refuse the working days claimed or revaluation of contract value depending on the basis of the claim. During which time the principal agent shall determine the revised date of practical completion and identify each circumstance and relevant sub-clause and for each event grant or deny the contractors claim. The principal agent must also supply reasons for the decisions he or she has made. But while in the NEC no response by the project m anager, the claim is deemed to have been accepted, in the JBCC it is assumed that the claim has been rejected. This is sated under clause 29. 8, which provides certain cover for the employer should there be a mishap and the principal agent is unable to reply the contractor, unlike in the NEC. In essence the JBCC contract is the better contract on managing the cost of the project along with time constraints. The contract clearly states the events which if they do occur, will require revision of the date of practical completion and also which events will require both a revision of the date and revaluation of the project. While under the NEC contract the events listed are events that can all be claimed for money by the contractor, which may lead to the employer having to set aside a greater budget for contingencies because of the number of items listed that can be claimed as a compensation event. The better contract that would ease the client’s worries about budget and time constraints is the JBCC principal agreement. References 1. JBCC Series 2000 Principal Building Agreement Edition 5. 0 2. NEC Engineering and Construction Contract

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Strategic Management of BHP Billiton Limited †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Strategic Management BHP Billiton Limited. Answer: Introduction: BHP Billiton has been one of the leading companies in the resource industry. It was formed with the merging of BHP and Billiton to bring an exceptional amalgamation of low-cost and high-quality resource assets. It is complemented by a very strong and effective team of management that is determined for the operation of the assets in an efficient manner. The report deals with the analysis of the internal environment of BHP Billiton which provides the insights into the capabilities and resources of the company (Barney Hesterly, 2015). BHP Billiton Limited is the world's biggest miner whose net profit is generated from the revenues of $820 billion and more on an average of six months. Another fact that is new for the world to know is that Arrium which is BlueScope Steel and ex-OneSteel were both a part of BHP. However, they were removed from the amalgamation in the year 2002 and 2000 respectively. BHP was almost taken over by an entrepreneur named Robert Holmes A Court in the year 1985 (Bettis, et al., 2015). It was saved from being taken over when a deal was made with the Elders IXL. Peter who was Robert's son is a co-owner of the team of NRL south Sydney Rabbitohs, along with Russell Crowe. Resources, Capabilities and Core Competencies As per Chen, Delmas Lieberman, Key performance indicators (KPI) have an important role in the measuring of the effectiveness of the business in relation to the identification, requirement and the strategic objectives. Determination of the success of the business and the activities of the business is not going to be clear and quantification of attainment of the goal is not possible without Key Performance Indicators (Chen, Delmas Lieberman, 2015). The first key performance indicators that matter for BHP Billiton are cost to acquire a customer, revenue per customer, and the lifetime value of a customer. The strength of BHP Billiton is that it is among the largest suppliers copper, silver, uranium, aluminium and lead. It leads the list of global producers of metallurgical coal, manganese and iron ore with Brazil, South Africa, and Australia. The company operates in Australia, South America, South Africa and the United States. The thermal coal generation by the section of the Energy Coal generates electric power for the concerns of the general industries. The weakness of BHP Billiton lies in the wide range of projects that it executes. The feasibility of all the projects has the probability of being a source of generation of revenue in a cost effective manner of execution of the projects. BHP Billiton can further operate on strengthening the brand position by the induction of the innovative solutions regarding marketing. The internal analysis of the company provides us with the insight so the policies, plans, and objectives of the company and in what manner they are obtained. The strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats associated with the company are understood through the internal environment analysis. According to Eden Ackermann, the global organizations have been transforming themselves completely in the in the age of information. BHP Billiton has the ability to exploit the assets that are intangible and this exploitation is turning out to be a better decision than the ability to regulate the tangible assets. BHP Billiton is expanding the operations of its business on the global platforms by implementing the balanced scorecard concept which is assisting it in complementing the analysis of the financial performance of the business (Eden Ackermann, 2013). The resources and the core competencies are the measuring criteria of the customers' perspectives, learning, and growth along with the internal business process. As per Freeman McVea, the resources of an organization denote to the human resource, physical resource, financial resource, and the information resources that are brought together in the orientation of the objectives of the organization for the accomplishments of the goals. The managers of any organizations are primarily responsible for the management and acquiring the resources in order to achieve the goals (Freeman McVea, 2015). The physical resources that BHP Billiton has are silver, zinc, lead mines in the Broken Hill near South Wales in Australia. The company also has an efficient and effective team of managers and employees to support it in its business without them BHP Billiton would not be able to make it far in the global market. Core competencies are the unique set of skills or technologies that are used by organizations to create a distinct customers value. The unique capabilities of the organization mainly refer to the personified in the collective knowledge of the individuals working in the organization along with organizational systems that have significant implications on the manner of the interaction of the employees (Frynas Mellahi, 2015). The core competencies of BHP Billiton change and adjust with the changes and developments of the company. The core competencies of BHP Billiton don do not remain rigid with time and the company can optimum utilization of the given resources and associated them to the new scope and opportunities provided by the environment. The resources of BHP Billiton are the inputs as the core competencies of the production process which include the capabilities associated with the skills used for the integration of the team of resources so that they can be utilized in a more efficient and effective manner (Hill, Jones Schilling, 2014). The development of a Western Australian Iron Ore biodiversity strategy and the incorporation of the continual environment studies in its operation process along with state of the art infrastructure and machinery are considered to be among the core competencies of BHP Billiton. The core competencies of BHP Billiton includes the techniques that the company has developed in the Eagle Ford and the development plan that is called for the subsea wells that are connected via pipelines and monitoring and control umbilicals to the onshore gas plants. Theses infrastructures are much stable to be operated during the cyclonic storms and any kind of climatic and weather conditions (Hitt, Ireland Hoskisson, 2015). The capabilities of an organization are referred to the ability of the company to manage the resources such as the human resource in an efficient manner in order to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. The organizational capabilities of a company must be in orientation towards the ability of the company to meet the demands of the clients and the customers. The core competencies of BHO Billiton include the simplification of the portfolio, discipline regarding capital and productivity (Morden, 2016). VRIO Analysis: The VRIO analysis is performed in order to determine the conceptual framework of the strategic scheme of BHP Billiton. The primary objective of the conduction of such analysis is to determine the capability worth or resources of BHP Billiton. Value: As per Peteraf, Gamble Thompson Jr, the most important question that is raised if the ability of BHP Billiton is there to make most effective use of the resources available to it or does it make efforts to exploit and explore the opportunities. It also focuses on the inflicting threat that is posed to it regarding its position in the market. If the company is incapable of posing threat in the global market then it may lead to exposal of its weaknesses (Peteraf, Gamble Thompson Jr, 2014). In the context of BHP Billiton, the abundance of assets and resources is considered as the strengths in the industry of mining and other companies which are its competitors who might be considering themselves as threats in opposition to the capabilities of resources of BHP Billiton. Rarity: BHP Billiton is recognized as one of the mining companies which have the competitive advantage. This company does not have insufficiency of capabilities and resources. Thus, it has advantages from other competitors because of its huge range of resources and assets (Rothaermel, 2015). Immutability: The cases of compatibility are illustrated via the structure of the analysis which represents the internal environment of the BHO Billiton. This determines the sufficiency of costs disadvantage in aspects of the capabilities and resources in the procuring and development of resources and assets in comparison to the competitors (Simon, Fischbach Schoder, 2014). The mining companies such as the BHP Billiton have valuable and rich resources can be difficult to match for other global competitors so as to gain advantage. Organization: BHP Billiton after incorporating the concept rarity, value and immutability of the assets, capabilities, and resources has stepped into the next procedure to organize the company in an appropriate and efficient manner to make optimum use of the capabilities. Value chain analysis: The value chain analysis of BHP Billiton facilitates the physical representation of several processes for the BHP Billiton which involves mining and extraction of the raw materials and providing the conclusion the process by providing the final product known as the value chain. Primary activities: The Facilitation of the assortment of the inbound movements of metallurgical coal, minerals, manganese, iron and silver ore from the mining is site to site of manufacturing. Support activities: This procedure of procurement of the raw material like the silver extracts diamonds, metallurgical coal, manganese, and iron ore from the mining sites to the manufacturing units where the equipment and plants are situated (Stead Stead, 2013). The technical unit in collaboration with the processing unit is associated with pertaining equipment like software, technological and hardware knowledge which is presented by BHP Billiton in transforming the inputs into final products. The activities such as finance and accounting control the quality and public relations support BHP Billiton. Margin: Margin is basically the difference between the products selling price to its production price. In other way it can be said that its the ratio between companys revenues and expenses. Coming to BHP Billiton, keeping track on margin is very necessary because it will show that company is profitable or not (Stead Stead, 2013). Culture: The corporate culture denotes to the ideas and beliefs that the Company has and the manner in which these affect the process of business and the behaviour of the employees. BHP Billiton works towards the supremacy and initiatives in promoting a culture that honours and values the high moral principles, business and individual admiration and integrity for others. ICEBERG analogy As per ICEBERG analogy, Culture is divided into 2 parts named as internal unconscious part and external conscious part (Bayne, 2015). External conscious part represents those things which can be seen physically. Some of the examples are dance, art, music, dressing sense, language, behaviour towards employers. But on the other hand internal conscious part represents which cant be seen physically such as beliefs, values, motivations, social rules etc. (Bayne, 2015). Strategic issues in management: Uncertainty: It can be denoted as an issue in the daily business. It is comprehensive as the individual incapability to predict some aspects in precise. The managers need to deal with various kinds of uncertainty in the world of fluctuating market (Teece Shuen, 2016, May). The organizations face ambiguity in the environment of the organization macro-economic form, social, technological, environmental and political limitations in which the functioning of BHP Billiton is taking place. Complexity: It determines the factors which have to be considered by BHP Billiton while preparing the strategies. The major strategic issue in business is the primary alteration in the regulations than the expectations. Conclusion: Rapid globalization, growing and accelerating innovation and competition associate to the complexities, ambiguity, and volatility of the company. BHP Billiton requires more approaches to confronting the barriers of intricacy in business which should be based on the strategic planning. Internal analysis helps to find out the companys cost position, competitive nature and competency in the market place. Conducting internal analysis helps to provide useful information about the organisation. By examining the mineral and developing the business is a risky task even if the BHP Company is huge though it has support from the government. The litigation fee for the oil spill can charge them with the indefinite costs along with the clearing costs when there is a change in the demand of the customer is affecting the commodity prices because of which the income ways of BHP will become unstable. Hence, as a result, the BHP should formulate the strategies in such a way that the management will not face any risk in the future with respect to the competitive advantage and the current issues. References Barney, J. B., Hesterly, W. (2015).Strategic management and competitive advantage concepts and cases. Pearson. Bettis, R. A., Gambardella, A., Helfat, C., Mitchell, W. (2015). Qualitative empirical research in strategic management.Strategic Management Journal,36(5), 637-639. Bayne, K. (2015). Identifying Cultural Influences on Language Teaching-Learning Materials Through the IcebergAnalogy. Chen, C. M., Delmas, M. A., Lieberman, M. B. (2015). Production frontier methodologies and efficiency as a performance measure in strategic management research.Strategic Management Journal,36(1), 19-36. Eden, C., Ackermann, F. (2013).Making strategy: The journey of strategic management. Sage. Freeman, R. E., McVea, J. A. (2015). A Stakeholder Approach to Strategic Management (No. 01-02). Frynas, J. G., Mellahi, K. (2015).Global strategic management. Oxford University Press, USA. Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R., Schilling, M. A. (2014).Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., Hoskisson, R. E. (2015). Strategic management: Concepts: Competitiveness and globalization, chapter 3-The internal organization: Resources, capabilities, core competencies and competitive advantages.South Melbourne: South-Western Cengage Learning. Morden, T. (2016).Principles of strategic management. Routledge. Peteraf, M., Gamble, J., Thompson Jr, A. (2014).Essentials of strategic management: The quest for competitive advantage. McGraw-Hill Education. Rothaermel, F. T. (2015).Strategic management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Simon, D., Fischbach, K., Schoder, D. (2014). Enterprise architecture management and its role in corporate strategic management.Information Systems and e-Business Management,12(1), 5-42. Stead, J. G., Stead, W. E. (2013).Sustainable strategic management. ME Sharpe. Teece, D. J., Shuen, A. (2016, May). Dynamic Capabilities and Their Microfoundations: Implications for Strategic Management. InSMS 30th Annual Conference. Rome.