Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay on Advertisings Subliminal Message - 985 Words

Fallacious reasoning is the act of forming strong one sided opinions based on one’s perceptions in regards to marketing. Sometimes the reasoning can present a strong message; such as that from a dogmatic viewpoint where only one true choice exist within the mind of the observer. Though not always disagreeable such as the fallacious reasoning dogmatism; fallacious reasoning is used a lot in today’s advertising to influence people in society’s thinking, social atmospheres, and outlooks. The vessels used to reach these unknowing test subjects are viewers are promoted through media networks, or popular culture icons. Advertisements! By marketing the same advertisements encountered daily by people. A day to day interactions the viewer become†¦show more content†¦The following advertising controversially displays a symbol of dogmatism. Eerily similar to the pasta noodles package â€Å"American Beauty† one would see in their local supermarket. Dogmatis m is exemplified on this movie soundtrack cover as it is exposes the observer to first a highlighted Warhol tinged title. One fact that contradicts this hidden reasoning is there is more than one America, and the Americas are indigenous to many races and cultures. An additional example of the one sided attitude marketers had towards the promotion of this advertisement is its stereotypical image of how many people in the world perceives North American women to be. This title plays upon all people wanting to fit in of the idea of what they perceive beauty to be. As it also echoes the sexist fifties symbols of pinup girls. Underneath it seems like this image is the just choice for what an American beauty can be. A blond, petite, woman whose body looks so flawless it only needs to be adorned in roses. In this image it seems that roses can be smelt as well as draw upon other senses. This ad unwillingly touches the inner emotions in all who view it. It also devalues the principles Am erica is known for, not only the melting pot of the world, but a place where women have fought for liberties greater than this single sided image. An additional symbol of fallaciousShow MoreRelatedSubliminal Advertising Essay1098 Words   |  5 PagesSubliminal Advertising There is no doubt that advertising plays a monumental role in today’s society. In an article related to advertising Marshal McLuhan was quoted as saying ‘â€Å"The continuous pressure is to create ads more and more in the image of audience motives and desires†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢(Fowles 658). To achieve success in advertising, a company must pull at the consumers’ psyche long enough so they will stop and look at the product being displayed. 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